Sunday, January 29, 2012

Are the Golf Gods Real?

The Golf Gods, Photo Property of Paul Buckley
"Finding Ti Ming & Tem Po, Legend of the Golf Gods", by Mark Button is a wonderful book for young or old. According to the author on his blog, "While it's targeted at children and teens aged 8-17, the book will be enjoyed by anyone who loves golf, regardless of age."

I have to say when I  received the request to review this book I was a little hesitant, as I know nothing about golf! However, as I continued to read the stories, the lessons found on these pages are beneficial for any age or sport.

As the author Mark Button told me, "It is filled with character building values and lessons." He is so right, the reader will learn about Confidence, Honesty, Respect, Judgement and Perseverance.

The story begins when the Golf Gods find themselves trapped for many years in an attic, until finally a young boy finds them.  What happens to them when they are lost again? 

You will find yourself on a journey with these two wise, patient and yet lovable wooden statues of the Golf Gods, as they come to life in the dreams of the main characters and touch their lives.

As you read it will seem as if you are walking along side the Golf Gods on the fairway. You will feel the light breeze as it blows in different directions, you are barefoot and the wet grass feels like a soft cushion to your feet. Which club will you choose? If you choose the wrong one and you lose focus, will you know how to react and learn from that decision? Or will you give up and throw your clubs to the ground in a fit of anger?

I encourage you to read this book and then give it to your children. Discuss these valuable lessons with them. My son who runs for his college track team is going to receive this book! I know it will help him Stay in the Present!

Here are some of my favorite quotes said by Ti Ming and Tem Po:
  • "Sometimes the shortest distance between two points is the space between your ears", Tem Po
  • "Don't hope for it, you must expect it", Ti Ming
  • "Sometimes what appears to be a small bird, in fact turns out to be a great eagle", Tem Po
  • "In order to hit the shot you desire, you first must see it in your mind", Ti Ming
  • "It's your responsibility to focus only on the next shot.  Nothing going on around you, or what happened in the past or what might happen in the future matters.  The only shot that matters-the only thing that matters-is the next shot.  Stay in the present...", Ti Ming
To learn more about the book, please visit the Author's website at Timing and Tempo!

Disclaimer: I received the book from the author in order to write this review.  I did not receive any monetary payment for this review.  There are affiliate links found in this post. Which means that if you were to click on the links and purchase, then and only then would I receive a small commission. 
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Friday, January 27, 2012

Seattle Ice Storm Took Us By Surprise

It snows occasionally here in the Pacific Northwest and Seattle, but normally it melts very quickly and the rains begin. I personally prefer the snow over the dreary rains, but Mother Nature decides what and when!

On January 18, 2012 we were outside with the kids and grand-kids building snowmen and a snow fort! Around a foot of snow had fallen and the girls who are just 2 and 4 were having so much fun. Snow angels, snow balls, carrots for the snowmen's noses, sleds and mittens were scattered around our yard.  

After we built the snow fort and everyone left we lost power. Losing power in our home means no water or phones/internet too. We found some dry wood and started up the wood stove, made some dinner and went to bed.

Then the ice storm hit. We could hear the trees breaking apart and dropping their heavy snow-laden branches. We looked out the window and some of the branches had fallen into the ground like spears. We could hear the trees falling all around us. We packed up the blankets and moved away from the windows and "slept" in the middle of the living room.

English: A buildup of ice on a branch after an...
Image via Wikipedia
By morning the trees that were left were twisted and frozen in place where they stood when the storm hit.

Their branches were covered in thick ice, which at times looked like beautiful jeweled Christmas bulbs.

Branches, tree tops and trees were splintered off and were sprinkled all over the property.

The power lines were down across our driveway and into the pasture.  Our poor horse was so frightened she stayed in the barn all day.

We were trapped in our home until Sunday when the power company finally came and pulled the power lines away.

We used the melting snow from the roof to water our animals and the snow on the ground to keep our perishables cold.  The power and water remained off until Thursday January 26th.

After all was said and done we were even called "Snow Wimps" by the L.A. TimesJoshua Trujillo from the Seattlepi has some great photos of the storm for you to check out too.

We survived of course, played scrabble and cribbage and read a few books by gas lanterns. Camping is fun, but I think just a couple of days of it is enough for me!

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Masquerade Crew is Giving Away Copies of ORPHEUS by Dan DeWitt

I am excited to be a part of this giveaway! If you like Zombies, then you will like this book! Follow the instructions to win a free copy of ORPHEUS by Dan DeWitt!

Book Details

Title: Orpheus
Author: Dan DeWitt
Find him online:

Genre: Horror (Zombies)
Synopsis: Cameron Holt is fortunate enough to survive the initial outbreak that turns his New England island community into a hive of the undead. So is his son, Ethan. Now, the only thing keeping Holt going is the determination to rescue his son from the undead...or remove him permanently from their ranks. Unfortunately, zombies aren't the only thing getting in his way.


Orpheus received two five-star reviews from The Masquerade Crew.

An Interview With The Author—Dan DeWitt

What's your writing background?

Nothing too exciting. I have a Bachelor's degree in English, which means next to nothing when it comes to writing fiction. Still, I took a bunch of creative writing classes and really enjoyed them. Before that, I dabbled in short stories here and there, but wasn't ready to try and make a career out of it. I wrote one screenplay in 2001 that advanced to the second round at Austin (and I'm about ¼ of the way into its novelization). I've always been a voracious reader, and I got really serious after participating in NaNoWriMo in 2006. Since then, I've published a couple of short stories in e-zines and one non-fiction profile in a local magazine. But I'm really just a guy who loves to read fiction and tell a story from time to time.

To read more of this interview, click here.

Win a copy of Orpheus

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Top Ten Triberr Tuesday

I have had such a blast since I joined Triberr.  If you don't know what Triberr is, scroll down to the bottom and there will be related articles that you can check out at your convenience!

Not only have I gained more followers, but most importantly I have gained new friends and wonderful blogs to read and follow.

Based on Triberr's Optimize tab, I will be featuring my top 10 Traffic Driving Tribemates each month.  Please take a moment and visit their Blogs, Twitter and Facebook Pages.

To all my Tribemates, thank you for your constant participation on Triberr, your RT's and shares to all the social media sites.

Sue Ingebretson- @SueInge on Twitter, Facebook and Sue's Blog Rebuilding Wellness with Sue Ingebretson

Marieke Hensel- @Hensel on Twitter, Facebook and Marieke's Blog Branding Personality

Amit Verma- @amitv_tweets on Twitter, Facebook and Amit's Blog Modern Life Blogs- Expand Your Horizon

Erin Patrick- @ErinPatrick on Twitter, Facebook and Erin's Blog My Nuggets of Truth

Gerry Wendel- @modlandUSA on Twitter, Facebook and Gerry's Blog ModlandUSA

Shaan Haider- @shaanhaider on Twitter, Facebook and Shaan's Blog Geeky Stuffs

Courtney G- @LaDyLaDuke on Twitter, Facebook and Courtney's Blog LaDy LaDuke

Shannon Grissom- @ShannonGrissom on Twitter, Facebook and Shannon's Blog Shannon Grissom

Barbara Duke- @BarbaraDuke on Twitter, Facebook and Barbara's Blog Thoughts of Pink

Danielle Tucker- @TheGolfClub on Twitter, Facebook and Danielle's Blog Danielle Tucker's Golf Club Radio Show

See you in 30 days!

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Guest Post: Something About George Clooney!

Recently I had the pleasure of writing a guest post for my dear friend Sharon from Moms Madhouse Advice Blog~A Blog W/ Sprinkles of Truth!

She was having issues with her eyesight at the time and wasn't able to post on her blog.  So our Exalted Sisters Tribe on Triberr got together and sent her a handful of posts for her blog.

Her four year old daughter happened to be talking about Italy on that particular day so I decided to send her my post about George Clooney!

I met Sharon on VoiceBoks this past year and we have become quite close.  We have had our Lucy and Ethel moments on Twitter and Facebook, she cracks me up all the time! 

Sharon is a mom of 6 children and writes about all the fun that happens at her house.  She is a riot and I recommend that you take a peek at her blog!  Here is her Blog Button:

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