Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Empire Avenue-The Man Cave No More!

A couple of months ago someone introduced me to Empire Avenue! At first I thought this is a game, I don't get it and how in the heck am I going to figure this out! Should I even care to and do I have the time? Not another social networking site!

Quickly I started to see the benefits. Not only did I start to notice an increase in followers on all of my Social Networking sites, but I also started to establish relationships and find quality products, companies and bloggers.

Empire Avenue is another Social Networking tool.  The more you invest, follow, endorse, complete missions and connect with other members the sooner you will start to see an increase in value but more importantly an increase in engagement. 

Mom Bloggers CommunityI noticed that there were many men on this site too.  So naturally I wanted to mix up the blue with some pink so I started to invite some women and mom bloggers.  Lisa Cash Hanson was one of those great ladies.

That is how the Mom Bloggers Community on Empire Avenue got started. Everyone that joins our community is also pinned on our Pinterest Board. Their pins direct people to their profile on Empire Avenue. Our Board's description says, "The Mom Bloggers Community on Empire Avenue is open to all women.  We are #SMRocketFuel Divas! Building a strong community of Savvy Investors on #EAv!"

Another one of our goals in creating this community was to let women start to have a larger presence on Empire Avenue. We were hearing from some that they didn't understand it, were a little overwhelmed and really were missing out on the benefits. Therefore our community has tutorials, videos and tips to increase longevity and decrease user frustration.

Like with all Social Networking sites, as soon as you join add your picture and Bio. Then connect your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Flickr, Foursquare, WordPress, Google Plus and Blog accounts.

Just enjoy and be sure to check out Mom Bloggers Community on EA!

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Lisa Ladrido is an R.N. Mom Blogger who is passionate about Social MediaPersonal Development and Health and Wellness.

She has 5 sons and lives in Washington State with her husband and their furry four legged children!

My blog: Mom Blogger Buzz: Can One Smile Change the World?

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  1. Hi Lisa. I've avoided Empire Avenue because I assumed it was more a game than anything else and there's no time for that! Do you think it will increase inquires for a small, service oriented business such as mine?

    1. Absolutely Gerry. I use it for my small business clients. It is an amazing tool!!

    2. The majority of people on there have a business. I thought it was a game, but it isn't. Just the developers are associated with gaming and of course they are men! Thank you both Gerry and Kim!

  2. EMPIRE ROCKS! I soooo love it over there. Great people, new friends and LOTS of eaves baby! Everyone should join up. :)


    1. I'm with you Sharon!!! I <3 EAv

    2. I love it too! Thank you Sharon and Kim! Need to get more ladies on board!

  3. Thanks for sharing this. My friend and I started a laundry service from our homes and are trying to figure out blogging. I'll see if I can't figure this one out also ;)
    Laundry Care

    1. Thank you Amanda! Good luck in your new business.

  4. I thought it was a game, too. But now I'm curious and am going to check it out!

    1. I hope you are enjoying the benefits Christina!

  5. I remember looking at it "Briefly" and then dismissed it. Maybe I should give it another look-see! Thanks for posting this Lisa...~Hugs, xo

    1. It took me a few days to get the hang of it Leah! Hope you get on!


Not what we give,
But what we share,
For the gift
without the giver
Is bare.
~James Russell Lowell

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